Here are the guiding principles which we have decided upon to rule our work in Vietnam:

1. Our organization wants to help truly needy people aiming to avoid long-term
dependence on aid where ever possible. Any aid granted is carefully considered
beforehand to adhere to this principle.

2. In our work, we show respect for the culture, dignity and values of all people.

3. We work together closely with our local project partners.

4. Measures for assistance are only initiated after acquiring the necessary background
information and the full agreement of everyone concerned.

5. It is our goal that families involved shall be put into a position to fully take charge of
their own finances again within a predictable period of time. It is to be expected in
most cases that this will happen once the children have completed their
professional training and have found themselves jobs.

6. Expenses for administration for all projects are to be kept as low as possible. In
Germany, all work is done by volunteers, and the paid staff in Vietnam are all locals.


Executive Committee

1. Birgit Klupp (chairperson)
2. Anette Christl-Hannappel (treasurer)
3. Karin Keller (secretary)

Founded October 4th, 2008